Automate Tax Reconciliation

4.8/5 stars for client support

Reconcile product movements, the general ledger, and tax return data before paying what you owe. Ensure your accounts are balanced and mitigate financial risk to the business with tax reconciliation software.

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tax reconciliation software
  • Create a complete data set
  • Configure your matching logic
  • Match data sets
  • Identify & handle exceptions
  • Make in-process corrections without re-importing
  • Create repeatable matching processes
  • Generate reports & data extracts

Leverage data reconciliation software built for tax

Our data reconciliation software allows you to reconcile against multiple data sets with configurable matching logic to find discrepancies before remitting payment.

Reconcile business data for tax compliance

Instead of reconciling after the filing period via spreadsheets which require redundant, manual data prep and are prone to human error.

Use ComplyIQ by IGEN to proactively reconcile and you could see up to a 92% increase in reconciliation efficiencies.

Exception reporting with tax reconciliation software
Reduction in time to reconcile

The teams behind tax reconciliation

Reconciliation with just one of our vendors took about 40 hours to complete, the process for that specific recon now takes us 3 hours.

Accounting Manager
U.S. Energy

It’s assisted, exception-based reconciliation for tax compliance

Streamline exception-based reconciliation for tax compliance with data reconciliation software built with tax teams in mind.

Reduce Risk of Audits & Penalties
Reduce Time Spent Preparing Data
Increase Tax Reconciliation Efficiencies

Leave manual reconciliation, prone to human error, behind. Say hello to assisted tax reconciliation in one transparent platform.

Connect to your existing systems

Back-office Systems

Our platform’s API architecture enables connection to your existing back-office system without significant modifications or custom-built middleware.

E-commerce Platforms

Pre-built integrations to common e-commerce for real-time tax calculations.

Connect to back office
Configure match criteria for exception reporting

Transparent data matching

Robust Data Engine

Ensure your data is accurate, complete, and formatted correctly. Identify unexpected errors, correct those issues, and create automation to resolve similar problems next time.

  • Combine multiple data sources to create a complete data set ready for matching
  • Set your tolerance level on exceptions
  • Configure match criteria based on your business logic and internal controls
  • Match multiple data sets
  • Create repeatable data-matching processes

Exception reporting

Identify Discrepancies

  • Identify and handle exceptions
  • Color coding for user-friendly discrepancy identification
  • Track open items for future resolution
  • Attach notes and documents to data for future audit references
  • Generate reports and data extracts showing reconciled to document reconciliation completion
reconciling tax data

Answers to your questions

Every company we serve is unique, and that’s why ComplyIQ by IGEN is, too. Ready to think differently about reconciling for tax compliance?

Start with the only assisted reconciliation software that’s built for tax.

Our software accepts flat files (CSV or TXT).

Yes, our matching process lets you dive deep into your data. You can filter down to the exact data sets you’d like to work with from different tables or the same one.

Yes, we can create custom reports or management reports to give you the needed data.

Absolutely. You can sync your data with data tables, fill in gaps in your data, and more.

ComplyIQ is a Windows Desktop application hosted in our private cloud and accessed using the RemoteApp web page.

Our support team is available during regular business hours unless specifically requested. The Support Center is your one-stop-shop for access to technical support and our tax experts. You’ll be able to get help and see the status of your tickets. This process ensures tickets are resolved quickly, allows us to track performance, and gives you the option to provide feedback to the team.

Automate Tax Reconciliation

Help your business do tax reconciliation right, with ComplyIQ by IGEN. Talk to an expert today.